Test Livestream
Test livestreaming
Lovecast automatically creates 2 websites for your event: a test website and a real guest website. This way, you can freely test out streaming without worrying about your “behind-the-scenes” showing up on the real guest website. Start a test stream by finding the testing flow in the app:
Test vs guest website
Lovecast automatically creates 2 websites for your event: a test website and a real guest website. This way, you can freely test out streaming without worrying about your “behind-the-scenes” showing up on the real guest website.
Invite people to watch your test
Share your test website link the same way you share your real guest website link to invite close family or friends to watch your test livestream.
Delete test recordings
You can delete your test recordings in the "streaming test" page
Stream test video to real website
If you still prefer to stream to your real guest website for testing, you can certainly do it :-) In case you need to delete unwanted recording clips from the website, you can do so by following this guide.